25 X 40 CM Ceramic Wall Tiles

Ceramic Wall Tiles

25 X 40 CM

500 PW
501 G
502 G
503 DG
503 LG
504 DBE
504 LBE
505 BE
506 DBE
506 LBE
510 BL
510 BE
511 LP
511 DP
516 DBE
516 LBE
517 DG
517 LG
519 DG
519 LG
520 G
522 DG
522 LG
536 BE
540 BE
540 BL
541 G
542 GY
544 BY
545 DBE
545 LBE
546 DBE
546 LBE
547 G
548 BE
550 G
555 BR
556 BR
560 G
566 G
570 BE

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About Us

14 years of business, millions of project implemented.

The company named, Great Wall Ceramic Industries Ltd. is one of the largest Tiles manufacturer in Bangladesh. The company was established in 2006 and started the commercial production in the same year.


ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Copyright 2022 Great Wall Ceramic. All Rights Reserved.

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