Address: Greatwall Tower, Gazi Borhan Uddin Road, Mendibag, Sylhet. Cell: 01975601090
Address: Opposite of D B Office, Kazitula, Sylhet-3100
Cell: 01711 950669, 0821 2831163
Address: Shaheed Tila, Biyani Bazar, Sylhet. Cell: 01772 792615
Address: Fazilchist (East Subidbazar), Sunamgonj Road, Sylhet | Cell: +8801711920306
Address: Sabujbagh, Habigonj. Cell: 01715 020651
Address: Achia Complex, Moulvibazar Road, Srimangal. Cell: 01768 974594, 01862 672925
Address: Sreemongol Road, Moulvibazar. Cell: +8801712670248, +8801741 531180
14 years of business, millions of project implemented.
The company named, Great Wall Ceramic Industries Ltd. is one of the largest Tiles manufacturer in Bangladesh. The company was established in 2006 and started the commercial production in the same year.